U yayaj k'ay J otsil X ma na X pam ok'oot che

Jach chiichanen kaa kim in na

kaa kim in yum.

Ay ay in yumen!

Kaa t p’at en tu k’ab t yiknal in laak’

Miix maak yan t en way yok’ol k’ab.

Ay ay in yumilen!

Ku man kappel k’in ku kimil ten in


tin t’uluch k p’at ken tin t’uluch jum.

Ay ay!

Ts’u man lail k’in tin jun p’at ken

kaa tu jan ch’ajen u bisen t nin

u p’el ts’ul tu k’ab.

Ay ay in yumilen!

J loobil jach yaab yayab loob

tin mansiik way yok’ol kab.

Miix wa bik’in bin jawk in wok’ol.

Miix in wonel yan, jach chen tin jum

chen bey in man, way tin lum

j k’in yetel ak’ab; chen ok’ol ok’ol

xuupsik in wich lail xuupsik ool.

Yam loob jach chich.

Ay in yum!

Ch’aten otsilil ts’a u tibitil

leil yaj muuk’yaa.

Ts’aten u ts’ok kimilil

wa ts’aten toj olal,

in Kiichkelem Yumil!

Otsil otsil,

baai tu jun yook’ lum

wa yan ka u k’aat tu t’uluch jum

k’aat men k’aat tu jol naj najil

tulakal maak ilik jeleil i u ts’iik yakunail.

Inan yotoch inam u nok’, inan k’aak’.

Ay in yum! Chaten otsilil!

Ts’aten tojolal utial kaapaatak

in muuk’ yajtik.

The mourning song of the poor motherless orphan dance to drumbeats
Translate by  John Curl

I was very small when my mother


when my father died.

Ay ay, my father!

Left in the hands and company of


I have no family here on earth.

Ay ay, my lord!

Two days ago my friends died,

and left me insecure, vulnerable,


Ay ay!

That day I was left alone

and put myself in a stranger’s hand.

Ay ay, my lord!

Evil, much evil passes here on earth.

Perhaps I will never stop crying.

Without family, alone, very lonely I


here in my land, crying day and night;

only cries consume my eyes and soul.

Under evil so hard.

Ay, my father!

Take pity on me, put an end

to this suffering.

Give me death,

or give my soul transcendence,

my Beautiful Lord!

Poor, poor,

thus alone on earth, pleading

insecure lonely, imploring door to


asking every person I see to give me


I who have no home, no clothes, no


Ay my father! Have pity on my!

Give my soul transcendence

to endure.

(Cantares de Dzitbalche)


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